If your business is looking for a top quality and speedy manufacturer, you don’t need to look any further. We offer PRIVATE LABEL manufacturing through our wholesale company. We provide resellers and businesses our custom sublimated uniforms, apparel, spiritwear and more at discounted prices intended for wholesale only.
Our capacity (10s of thousands of pieces per month), efficiency, and accuracy allows orders of any size to power through our system successfully leaving resellers and dealers more time and confidence to focus on the next sale. Our goal is to make sure all a company that partners with us has to do is sell while we are in the background making sure everything goes smoothly!
How Do You Apply For a Wholesale Account?
Your first step is to contact our wholesale team at (888) 699-8511 or use the form below to express interest in our WHOLESALE PROGRAM. Depending on your method of contact, you will receive additional information, can ask any questions you may have about wholesale specifically, and find out if we are the manufacturer you have been looking for.
You will also be provided a link to apply for an account with us (a quick and easy online application to verify you are a legitimate business) and upon approval, you can start selling top quality sublimated apparel from there!